Fortify your Kingdom Decrees & Declarations.
First you must Know, Accept & understand your God has given Authority. Use it to steward your life, subdue the Earth and all things assigned within your metron as an Heir of God & ambassador of Heaven. Luke 19:13, Matt 16:19, Luke 10:19
Use an Authoritative Firm Tone. It’s not in the volume but the understanding that you are speaking on behalf of God as His Heir. You are also doing as He also does. Shouting & screaming when appropriate are okay but not mandatory. Job 22:28, Isaiah 55:11, John 5:19
ALWAYS Reinforce decrees with “In Jesus Christ name” it is not by our might or power but by Holy Spirit. Heaven, hell and everything in between must obey and bow to Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:10-11
Decree the Word of God it has the power to override EVERYTHING! Curses, witchcraft, negativity, generational curses, legislation etc. Angels hearken & carry out God’s word & are dispatched. All of creation responds to God’s word! Ps 33:6, Ps 103:20
Examples of an Authoritative tone .>>> A Kings Prayer